Bon Vivant: (n) a person having cultivated, refined, and sociable tastes especially with respect to food and drink.


Breaking New Years Resolutions

Posted in: Bon Vivant, guilty pleasures, Wine Facts, Wine Health

Here’s to a Healthier 2014…through Wine!

Studies say that between 80-92% of people fail to keep up with their New Years resolutions. And it’s said that it takes three weeks to make or break a habit! So if you find yourself already breaking some of those “eat healthier”, “drink less” resolutions, you’ve come to a safe place!


Studies have shown numerous health benefits to drinking wine- and while moderation is always key- red wine consumption has been linked to improved heart health, lower blood pressure, improved memory, lowered breast cancer risk, and can even give your immune system a boost!

So raise a glass and give yourself a break.  That glass or two of red wine you enjoy each night?  No worries!

What are some of your {wine related} New Years resolutions? 

Anyone out there expanding their wine horizons or resolving to travel more?  I know I am! California, France and Spain are just a few trips on the agenda- I can’t wait to swirl, sip and report back on the best of what I taste and see in 2014!


Photo Credit: Boxhill Photography, LLC

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